
Muhib Meah

Sales Director

Muhib heads Vctorstones residential property operation. Representing investors and developers alike.

Over the past two decades, Muhib has acquired extensive experience and knowledge in the sales industry. But he realised he had an entrepreneurial eye very early in life. Having worked both in the family business and by providing lunch services to staff faculty members at his secondary school, he has been self-sufficient since his early teens; in fact, by the time he sat his GCSEs, he was already enjoying an income of over £3,000 per month!

Being one of the Directors of Victorstone has allowed Muhib to run and expand the company’s various brands. While running our financial brokerage business, he successfully navigated the firm through a period of exponential growth via extensive branding and marketing; recruiting talented individuals; mentoring staff; growing the sales force; embarking upon mindset coaching; creating and implementing new products; creating and developing partnerships; promoting staff into senior roles, and consistently achieving revenue-based targets.

Muhib says:

“Even from a young age, I knew I had to elevate my skill sets and broaden my horizons. I firmly believe that my role as a door-to-door salesman really taught me to become thick-skinned, resilient, relentless, and tenacious in constantly striving to overachieve in every aspect of my working career.

I became a homeowner by 18 and then, in all honesty, became an accidental landlord.

Not realising yet that I had a passion for real estate, I delved into private and governmental sub-contracting recruitment. I spent over 6 years in this industry, which allowed me to express my sales skills whilst simultaneously assisting long-term unemployed people of all ages to re-enter the world of employment.

Growing up in an era where online recruitment agencies did not exist, I knew how difficult it was to secure employment. I took it upon myself as the branch manager to educate employers on the value of taking on long-term unemployed individuals from various age ranges, ad focusing on the merit of the individual, not necessarily the contents of their CV. It wasn’t an easy task, but it proved to be a great success, as my branch consistently achieved 110% of the target every month.

I took this initiative and decided to implement, train, coach and educate staff and management alike across our other sites to ensure that we had a consistent way of working but, more importantly, make sure the company achieved its financial targets, which allowed for the expansion onto upcoming new projects. This ultimately accelerated my growth and development and gave me my first experience at the director level.

Victorstone has truly benefited from working with apprenticeship companies and governmental-based recruitment agencies to help people from different walks of life harness their skills, find a career, and develop themselves through nurtured training and coaching as well as inner self-development with mindset coaching. We were once these young people trying to find ourselves, and today, we feel that it is our moral obligation to guide and support these individuals in finding a working path in life and providing a structured career progression within our business. Our success comes from our team!”

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